Rabu, 24 November 2010


Nama : Akbar Windrayang Hikmah

Alamat : Jl. Arjuna V no.58 Bekasi Mede Rt05/Rw02 Kel.Bekasi Jaya Kec.Bekasi Timur

Cita-Cita : Pengusaha, Web Master

Hobi : Olahraga, jalan-jalan

Kesan & Pesan :Banyak pengalaman yang gak bakal di lupain di kelas EB13,selain itu watak teman-teman EB13 gak beda jauh dengan watak saya, jadi kalau ngobrol sama teman-teman nyambung. Pesannya jangan terlalu terobsesi sama yang namanya belajar, tapi belajarlah dengan senag hati, dengan begitu belajar gak jadi pikiran dan bikin stres.

Pengalaman yang Berkesan :Waktu jalan-jalan ke depok ke rumah ibu wali kelas, disitu saya gak tau jalan jadi mau gak mau ngikutin teman yang tau jalan. terus waktu pulangnya sempet ketinggalan teman yang tau jalan, kebetulan ketemu angkot 26 yg searah ke kalimalang ya jadi ngikutin aja, dan akhirnya bisa pulang juga ke bekasi dengan ngikutin angkot 26.

Alamat Email : akbar.windrayanghikmah90@gmail.com

Sabtu, 20 November 2010



1. Simple photographic lenses cannot.....sharp, undistorted images over a wide field.
(a) to form
b. Are formed
c. Forming
d. Form
2. Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one.....the most.
a. In influences farmers
(b) That influences farmers
c. Farmers that it influences
d. Why farmers influences it
3. Beverly Sills, ..... assumed directorship of the New York City Opera in 1979
a. Be a star soprano
b. Was a star soprano
(c.) A star soprano and
d. A star soprano
4. ..... of tissues is known as histology
a. Studying scientific
(b) The scientific study
c. To study scientifically
d. That is scientific studying
5. With the exception of mercury, .... at standard temperature and pressure
a. The metallic elemant are solid
b. Which is solid a solid metallic elemant
(c) Metallic elements being solid
d. Since the metallic elements are solid
6. Potential dehydration is.........that a land animal faces
(a) The often greatest hazard
b. The greatest often hazard
c. Often the greatest hazard
d. Often the hazarad greatest
7. By tracking the eye of hurricane, forcasters can determine the speed at which.....
a. Is a storm moving
(b) a storm is moving
c. is moving a storm
d. a moving storm
8. The grapes of wath, a novel about the depression years of the 1930’s, is one of John Steinbeck’s.......books.
(a) Most famous
b. The most famous
c. Are most famous
d. And most famous

9. Technology will play a key role in......future life-styles
a. To shape
(b) Shaping
c. Shape of
d. Shaped
10. The computer has dramatically affected...........photographic lenses are constructed.
a. Is the way
b. That the way
c. Which way do
(d.) The way
11. The early railroads were.....the existing arteries of transportation:roads, turnpikes,canals, and other waterways.
a. Those short lines connected
b. Short lines that connected
(c). Connected by short lines
d. Short connecting lines
12. ..........as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created
a. Ranks
b. The ranking
c. To be ranked
(d). For being ranked
13. Jackie Robinson,...........to play baseball in the major leagues, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.
(a). The Black American who first
b. The first Black American
c. Was the first Black American
d. The first and a black American who
14. During the flood of 1927, the Red Cross..........out of emergency headquarters Mississipi, set up temporary shelters for the homeless.
a. Operates
b. Is operating
(c). Has operated
d. Operating
15. In bacteria and in other organisms,......is the nucleic acid DNA that provides the generic information.
a. Both
b. Which
c. And
(d). It

Written Expression

Directions : in questions 16-40 each sentences has for underlined words of phrases. The for underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined answer sheet, find the number of the questions and fill in the space that correspons to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Look at the following example :

Example I

Guppies are sometimes call rainbow fish because of the males’ bright colors.
The sentence should read, “Guppies are sometimes called rainbow fish because of the males’ bright colors.” Therefore, you should choose ( A ).

Example II

Serving several term in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United
States politician.
The sentence should read. “Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became in important United States politician.” Therefore, you should choose ( B ).

Now begin work on the questions.

16. Twenty to thirty year after a mature forest is cleared away, a nearly impenetrable thicket o trees and
A B ( C)
shrubs develops.
17. The first national park in world. Yellowstone National Park, was established in 1872.
A (B) C D
18. Because it does not have a blood supply, the cornea takes their oxygen directly from the air.
A B ( C) D
19. Magnificent mountains and coastal scenery is British Columbia’s chief tourist attractions A B C (D)
20. Scientists at universities are often more involved in theoretical research than in practically research.
A B C (D)
21. John Rosamond Johnson he composed numerous songs, including Lift Every Voice and
(A) B C
Sing, for which his brother, James Weldon Johnson, wrote the words.
22. Nylon, a synthetic done from a combination of water, air, and a by-product of coal, was first
(A) B C
introduced in 1938.
23. Ornithology, the study of birds, is one of the major scientific fields in which amateurs play a A B C
role in accumulating, researching, and publish data.
24. Animation is a technique for creativity the illusion of life in inanimate things.
A (B) C D
25. The nonviolent protest advocated by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr proving highly effective in
A (B)
an age of expanding television news coverage.
26. On December 7, 1787, Delaware became a first state to ratify the Constitution.
A B ( C ) D
27. Nutritionists believe what diet affects how one feels physically and emotionally
A (B) C D
28. Mealii Kalama, creator of over 400 Hawaiian quilts, was granted a National Heritage
bellowship in 1985 for herself contributions to folk art.
(C) D
29. A jetty serves to define and deepen a channel, improve navigate, or protect a harbor.
A B (C) D
30. Minoru Yamasaki is an American architect which works departed from the austerit A (B)
frequently associated with architecture in the United States after the Second World War.
31. Chemical research provides information that is useful when the textile industry in the A (B) C
creation of synthetic fabrics.
32. Jane Addams, social worker, author, and spokeswoman for the peace and women’s suff (A)
movements, she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her humanitarian achievements.
33. Bromyrite crystals have a diamond-like luster and are usually colorless, but they dark to
A (B) C
brown when exposed to light.
34. Stars in our universe vary in temperature, color, bright, size, and mass.
A (B) C D
35. Ice is less denser than the liquid from which it is formed.
(A) B C D
36. The 1983 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Barbara McClintock for her experiments
with maize and her discoveries regardless the nature of DNA.
C (D)
37. In 1866 to 1883, the bison population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13
A B (C )
million to a few hundred.
38. Most of the damage property attributed to the San Fransisco earthquake of 1906 resulted
A (B) C
from the fire that followed.
39. James Baldwin’s plays and short stories, which are to some degree autobiographical A (B)
established them as a leading figure in the United States civil rights movement.
40. Thunder can be listened from a maximum distance of about ten miles except under unusual A B (C) D
atmospheric conditions.

As many as one thousand years ago in the Southwest, the Hopi and Zuni indians of North america were building with adobe – sun-baked brick plastered with mud. There homes looked remarkably like modern apartement houses some were four stories high and contained quartersfor perhaps thousand people. Along with store rooms for grain and other goods. This building were usually put up against cliffs, both to make construction easier and for defense against enemies. They were really villages in them selves as later spanish explorers must have realized since they called them “pueblos”, which is spanish for towns.
The people of the pueblos raised what are called ”the three sister”—corn, beans, and squash. They made excellent pottery and wove marvelous baskets, some so fine that they could hold water. The Southwest has always been a dry country, where water is scarce. The Hopi and Zuni brought water from streams to their fields and gardens through irrigation ditches. Water was so important that it played a major role in their religion. They developed elaborate ceremonies and religious rituals to bring rain.
The way of life of les-settled groups was simpler and more strongly influenced by nature. Small tribes such as the Shosone and Ute wandered the dry and mountainous lands between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. They gathered seeds and hunted seals, walruses, ang the great whales. They lived right on the frozen seas in shelters called igloos built of blocks of packed snow. When summer came, they fished for salmon and hunted the lordly caribou.
The Cheyenne, Pawnee, and Sioux tribes, known as the Plains Indians, lived on the grassland between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. They hunted bison, commonly called the buffalo. Its meat was the chief food of these tribes, and its hide was used to make their clothing and the covering of their tents and tipis.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A The architecture of early American Indian buildings
B The movement of American Indians across North America
C Ceremonies and rituals of American Indians
(D) The way of life of American Indian tribes in early North America
2. According to the passage, the Hopi and Zuni typically built their homes
(A) In valleys
B Next to streams
C On open plains
D Agains cliffs
3. The word “They” in line 6 refers to
A Goods
(B) ~ Buildings
C Cliffs
D enemies
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the dwellings of the Hopi and Zuni were
A very small
(B) ~ highly advance
C difficult to defend
D quickly constructed
5. The author uses the phrase “the three sisters” in line 8 to refer to
A Hopi women
(B) ~ Family members
C Important crops
D Rain ceremonies
6. The word “scarce” in line 10 is closest in meaning to
(A) ~ Limited
B Hidden
C Pure
D necessary
7. which of the following is true of the Shoshone and Ute?
(A) They were not as settled as the Hopi and Zuni
B They hunted caribou
C They built their homes with adobe
D They didn’a have many religious ceremonies
8. According to the passage, which of the following tribes lived in the grassland?
A The Shoshone and Ute
(B) The Cheyenne and Sioux
C The Hopi and Zuni
D The pawnee and Inuit
9. Which of the following animals was most important to the Plains Indians?
A The Salmon
B The Caibou
C The seal
(D) The buffalo
10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as adwelling place of early North Americans?
(A) Log cabins
B Adobe houses
C Tipis
D Igloos
11. The author gives an explaination for all of the following word EXCEPT
A Adobe
B Pueblos
(C) Caribou
D Bison

12. The author groups North American Indians according to their
(A) Tribes and geographycal regions
B Arts and crafts
C Rituals and ceremonies
D Date of apperanmce of the continent

Marianne Moore (1887-1972) once said that her writting could be called poetry only because there was no other name for it. Indeed her poems appear to be extremely compressed essays that happen to be printed in jagged lines on the page. Her subjects were varied: animals, labores, artist, and the craft of poetry. From her general reading came quotations that she found striking or insightful. She included these in her poems, scrupulously enclosed in quotation marks and sometimes identified in footnotes. Of this practice, she wrote, “ ‘why the many quotation marks?’ I am asked. . . when a thing has been said so well that it could not be said better, why paraphrase it?Hence my writting is, if not a cabinet of fossils, a kind of collection of flies in amber.” Close observation and consentration on detail are the methods of her poetry.

Marianne Moore grew up in kirkwood, Missouri, near St. Louis. After graduation from Bryn Mawr College in 1909, she taught commercial subjects at the Indian school in Carlisle, Pennsylvannia. Later she became a librarian in New York City. During the 1920’s she was editor of The Dial, an importan literary magazine of the period. She lived quietly all her life, mostly in Brooklyn, New York. She spent a lot of time at the Bronx Zoo, fascinated by animals. Her admiration of the Brooklyn Dodgers – before the team moved to Los Angeles- was widely known.

Her first book of poems was published in London in 1921 by a group of friends associeted with the imagist movement. From that time on her poetry has been read with interest by succeeding generations of poets and readers. In 1952 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her Collected Poems. She wrote that she did not write poetry “for money or fame. To earn a living is needful, but it can be done in routine ways. One writes because one has a burning desire to objectivy what it is indispensable to one’s happiness to express...”

13. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) The influance of the imagist on Marianne Moore
B Essayists and poets of the 1920’s
C The use was quotations in poetry
D Marianne Moore’s life and work
14. Which of the following can be inferred about Moore’s poems?
A They are better known in Europe than the United States
(B) They do not use traditional verse forms
C They were all published in The Dial
D They tend to be abstract
15. According to the passage Moore wrote about all of the following EXCEPT
A Artists
B Animals
(C) Fossils
D workers
16. What does Moore refer to as “flies in amber” (line 9)?
A A common image in her poetry
B Poetry in the twentieth century
C Concentration on detail
(D) Quotations within her poetry
17. The author mentions all of the following as jobs held by Moore EXCEPT
(A) Commercial artist
B Teacher
C Magazine editor
D Librarian
18. The word “period” in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A Movement
B School
C Region
(D) time
19. Where did Moore spend most of her adult life?
A In Kirkwood
B In Brooklyn
C In Los Angeles
(D) In Carlisle
20. The word “succeeding” in line 19 is closest in meaning to
(A) ~ Inheriting
B Prospering
C Diverse
D later
21. The word “it” in line 21 refers to
A Writing poetry
B Becoming famous
(C) ~ Earning a living
D Attracting readers
22. It can be inferred from the passage that Moore wrote because she
A Wanted to win award
B Was disatisfied with what others wrote
(C) Felt a need to express herself
D Wanted to raise money for the Bronx Zoo

Questions 23-30
What makes it rain?Rain falls from clouds the same reason anything falls to Earth. The Earth’s gravity pulls it. But every cloud is made of water droplets or ice crystals. Why doesn’t rain or snow fall constantly from all clouds? The droplets or ice crystals in clouds are exceedingly small. The effect of gravity in them is minute. Air currents move and lift droplets so that the net down ward displacement is zero, even though the droplets are in constant motion.
Droplets and ice crystals behave somewhat like dust in the air made visible in a shaft of sunlight. To the casual observer, dust seems to act in a totally random fashion, moving about chaotically without fixed direction. But in fact dust particles are much larger than water droplets and they finally fall. The average size of a cloud droplest is only 0,004 inch in diameter. It is so small that it would take sixteen hours to fall half a mile in perfectly still air,and it does not fall out of moving air at all. Only when the droplet grows to a diameter of 0,008 inch or larger can it fall from the cloud. The average raindrop contains a million times as much water as a tiny cloud droplet. The growth of a cloud to a size large enough to fall out is the cause of rain and other forms of precipitation. This important growth is called” coalescence”.

23. What is the main topic of the passage?
(A) the mechanics of rain
B the weather patterns of North America
C how Earth’s gravity affects agriculture
D types of clouds.

24. The word “ minute “ in line 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A Second
(B) Tiny
C Slow
D Steady
25. The word “ motion “ in line 5 closest in meaning to..
A Wind
B Change
(C) Movement
D humidity

26. Ice crystals do not immediately fall to Earth because,
(A) ~ they are kept aloft by air currents
B they combine with other chemicals in the atmosphere
C most of them evaporate
D their electrical charges draw them away from the earth.

27. The word “ random “in line 7 is closest in meaning to..
(A) Unpredictable
B Perplexing
C Independent
D abnormal

28. what can be inferred about drops of water larger than 0,008 inch in diameter?
A they never occur
B they are not affected by the force of gravity
(C) in still air they would fall to earth.
D in moving air they fall at a speed of thirty-two miles per hour.

29. how much bigger drop than a cloud droplet?
A 200 times bigger
B 1000 times bigger
C 100000 times bigger
(D) 1000000 times bigger

30. in this passage, what does the term “ coalescence” refer to?
(A) the ghatering of small clouds to form larger clouds
B the growth of droplest
C the effect of gravity on precipitition
D the movement of dust particles in the sunlight
Questions 31-40
People appear to be born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth. Not long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impressive accuracy – one plate, one knife,one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs. Soon they are capable of nothing that they have placed five knives, spoons, and forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fivteen pieces of silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost reasonable to expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at birth and retrevied seven years later, he or she could enter a second – grade mathematics class without any serious problems of intellectual adjusment.
Of course, the truth is not so simple. This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has illuminated the subtle forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends. Children were observed as they slowly grasped-or, as the case might be, bumped into-concept that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from q short stout glass into a tall thin one. Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children asked to count the pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be coaxed into finding the total. Such studies have suggested that the rudiments if mathematics are mastered gradually, and with effort. They have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers- the idea of oneness, a twoness, a threeness taht applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table- is itself from innate.

31. what does the passage mainly discuss?
A trends in teaching mathematics to children.
B the use of mathematics in child psychology
(C) the development mathematical ability in children
D the fundamental concepts of mathematic that children must learn.
32. it can be inferred from the passage that children normally learn simple counting?
(A) soon after they learn to talk
B by looking at the clock
C when they begin to be mathematically mature
D after they reach second grade in school.
33. the word “ illuminated “ in line 11 is closests in meaning to..
A illustrated
B accepted
(C) clarified
D lighted
34. the author implies that most small children believe that the quantity of water changes when it is transfered to a container of a different..
A color
B quality
C weight
(D) shape
35. According to the passage , when small children were asked to count a pile of red and blue pencils they..
(A) counted the number of pencils of each color.
B guessed at the total number of pencils.
C counted only the pencils of their favorite color.
D subtracted the number of red pencil from the number of blue pencils.
36. the word “ they “ in line 17 refers to
A mathematicians
B children
C pencils
(D) studies
37. the word “ prerequisite “ in line 19 is closest in meanin g to..
(A) reason
B theory
C requirement
D technique
38. the word “itself “ in line 20 refers to ..
A the total
(B) the concept abstract numbers
C any class of objects
D setting a table
39. with which of the following statements would the author be LEAST likely to agree?
A children naturally and easily learn mathematics.
(B) children learn to add before they learn to subtract
C most people follow the same pattern of mathematical development
D mathematical development is subtle and gradual.
40. where in the passage does the author give an example of a hypothetical experiment?
(A) lines 3-6
B lines 7-9
C lines 11-14
D lines 17-20
Questions 41-50
Botany, the study of plants,occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. For many thousands of years it was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exists, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food piramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools,dyes,medicines,shelter,and a great many other purpose. Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany,as such,has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of “ knowledge” at all.
Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the list distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will file to recognize a rose,an apple,or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10.000years ago, discovered that certain grasses couls be harvested and their seeds planted for richers yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken. Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture : cultivated crops. From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little their from many varieties that grew wild- and the acculumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wile would begin to fade away.

41. which of the following assumptions about early humans expressed in the passage?
A they probably had extensive knowledge of plants
(B) ~ they divided knowledge into well-defined fields
C they did not enjoy the study of botany
D they placed great importance on ownership of property
42. the word “ peculiar” in line 1 is closest in meaning to ...
A clear
B large
(C) unusual
D important
43. what does the comment “ this is logical” in lines 5-6 mean?
A there is no clear way to determine the extent of our ancestors knowledge of plants
B it is not suprising that early humans had a detailed knowldege of plants
(C) it is reasonable to assume that our ancestors behaved very much like people in preindustrial societies
D human knowledge of plants is well organized and very detailed.

44. the phrase “properties of each” in line 10 refers to each..
A tribe
B hundred
(C) plant
D purpose

45. according to the passage,why has general knowledge of botany declined?
A people no lorger value plants as a useful resource
(B) botany is not recognized as a special branch of science
C research is unable to keep up with the increasing number of plants
D direct contact with a variety of plants has decreased

46. in line 15, what is the author’s purpose in mentioning a rose,an apple,or an orchid”?
A to make the passage more poetic
B to cite examples of plants that are attractive
(C) to give botanical examples that most readers will recognize
D to illustrate the diversity of botanical life.

47. according to the passage, what was the first great step toward the practise of agriculture?
A the envention of agricultural implements and machinery
B the development of a system of names for plants
(C) the discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted
D the changing diets of early humans

48. the word “ controlled”in line 19 is closest in meaning to..
A abundant
(B) managed
C required
D advanced

49. the relationship between botany and agriculture is similar to the relatiinship between zoology ( the study of animals) and...
A deer hunting
B bird watching
(C) sheep raising
D horseback riding

50. where in the passage does the author describe the benefits people derive from plants?
A line 1
(B) line 6-8
C line 10-11
D line 13-15

Rabu, 03 November 2010

TUGAS B.inggris Qu

Identity the correct determineers in the following sentence
Children and television have a very close relationship.
Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car
KOMPAS.com is a trusted news site in Indonesia
In addition to latitude, geographical conditions other factors that influence the level of intensity of solar radiation, among others, the slope angle beam.

Trisik Beach offers a coastal village atmosphere is beautiful and simple.
Bill Gates again become the world's richest man!
Water is a substance or material or elements that are important to all forms of life.
Do not buy a pencil for a pencil with it tilted sideways contents can be ascertained easily broken during use pencil
Foods are substances, usually derived from animals or plants, eaten by living things to provide energy.
Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth turn into acid.
Soap is one the oldest chemical compounds ever known.
Soup or stew is cooking berkuah of broth made by boiling ingredients.
Glass including vitroida group or termogel, which is a chemical compound with a complex arrangement.
Money in traditional economics is defined as any medium of exchange that can be generally accepted.
Hydrogen is the element of water forming when combined with oxygen.
Minute is a unit of time. One minute is 1 / 60

Chose the correct determiners in the following sentences:

  1. He doesn't have (many/much) money
  2. I would like (a few/a little) salt on my vegetables
  3. She bought (That/those) card last night
  4. There are (less/fewer) student in this room than in the next room
  5. Ther is (too much/too many) bad news on television tonight
  6. I do not want (these/this) water
  7. This is (too many/too much) in farmation to learn
  8. A (few/littel) people left early
  9. Would you like (less/fewer) coffe than this?
  10. This jacket cost (too much/too many)


Noun phrase is a noun that has an adverb adverbs which serves to explain the nature, position, position, or something of that noun. In the Indonesian language, writing Frase Kata Benda(Noun Phrase) begins with the main noun followed by the words that became his statement. This is known as DM (Diterangkan Menerangkan), on the frase kata benda (noun phrase) "tas baru" word "tas" located as the word "explained" while the word "baru" located as the word "explained" while the word.

In English writing noun phrase reversed so MD. Thus, if the "tas" = bag and the "baru" = new, then the "tas baru" translates into English, became "new bag"

The order of the writing of Noun Phrase in English follow the rules as follows:
  1. Determiner
  2. Opinion
  3. Size
  4. Age
  5. Temperature
  6. Shape
  7. Colour
  8. Original (Country/City - Material)
  9. Purpose
  10. Noun

A cute small modern cool round red Germany metallic racing car

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Example of Complain Letter

London , 30 November 2010.


Bella dita

719, Park View Apartments



Mr. Janet

Customer Service Manager

Clairie Company

Ref: Defective product
Dear, Mr. Janet

I had bought the your Product, receipt number 88X76 from your Company on 28th October. I regret to inform you that the product is defective and my numerous verbal complaints to your personnel have yielded no results.

I request you to either replace the product with a functioning new product or refund my money within one week.

I have never been let down by any of your products in the past and I look forward to your immediate action on this occasion.

I am enclosing a copy of the Receipt to help you initiate immediate action.

Thanking You,


Bella dita

Example of Order Letter

Jakarta, 30 November 2010
No. : 001
Subject: Website Design Offers

Mr / Mrs Leadership

Graha Web dedicated to providing web application design services, private e-mail, graphic design, software engineering and network-based iklanonline Internet with coverage of Indonesia.

Through this offer letter, we offer web application design proposal for the company you are leading. The proposal that we offer website design, has been attached along with this letter.

For your attention and cooperation, we thank you.


Graha Web

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Business Comunication


Here is some understanding of business communication drawn from several sources:

Business communications is any communication that is used to build partnerships, intellectual resources, to promote an idea, a product, service, or an organization, with the goal to create value for businesses that run. Business Communication includes a thorough knowledge of internal and external side of the business. Internal communications, including communications vision (company / enterprise), strategies, plans, culture / corporate culture, values and basic principles contained in the company, employee motivation, and ideas, etc.. External communications including branding, marketing, advertising, customer relations, public relations, media relations, business negotiations, etc.. After all its forms, all these things have the same goal, namely to create a business value (create business value).

Business Communication is communication used in the business world that includes various forms of communication both verbal and nonverbal communication.

Business Communication is a process of exchange of messages or information to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of work product in the structure and organization systems. In the normal business communication, messages should not only be informative but also persuasive, for another party willing to accept an understanding or belief or performing an act or activity.

Business Communication is a process of exchange of messages or information to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of work product in the structure and organization systems. In the normal business communication, messages should not only be informative but also persuasive, for another party willing to accept an understanding or belief or performing an act or activity.

Business communication differ from interpersonal communication and cross cultural communication. Interpersonal communication (interpersonal communications) is a form of communication is commonly found in daily life, hariantara two people or more to reach certain goals. While cross-cultural communication (intercultural / communication) is a form of communication between two people or more, that each - each has a different culture.


The Heading. This contains the return address (usually two or three lines) with the date on the last line.

Sometimes it may be necessary to include a line after the address and before the date for a phone number, fax number, E-mail address, or something similar.

Often a line is skipped between the address and date. That should always be done if the heading is next to the left margin.

It is not necessary to type the return address if you are using stationery with the return address already imprinted. Always include the date.

The Inside Address. This is the address you are sending your letter to. Make it as complete as possible. Include titles and names if you know them.

This is always on the left margin. If an 8½" x 11" paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9" business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.

An inside address also helps the recipient route the letter properly and can help should the envelope be damaged and the address become unreadable.

Skip a line after the heading before the inside address. Skip another line after the inside address before the greeting.

The Greeting. It is also called the salutation. The greeting in a business letter is always formal. It normally begins with the word "Dear" and always includes the person's last name.

It normally has a title. Use a first name only if the title is unclear--for example, you are writing to someone named "Leslie," but do not know whether the person is male or female. For more on the form of titles, see Titles white name.

The greeting in a business letter always ends in a colon. (You know you are in trouble if you get a letter from a boyfriend or girlfriend and the greeting ends in a colon--it is not going to be friendly.)

The Body. The body is written as text. A business letter is never hand written. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.

Skip a line between the greeting and the body. Skip a line between the body and the close.

The Complimentary Close. This short, polite closing ends with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business letter style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does.

The block style is becoming more widely used because there is no indenting to bother with in the whole letter.

The Signature Line. Skip two lines (unless you have unusually wide or narrow lines) and type out the name to be signed. This customarily includes a middle initial, but does not have to. Women may indicate how they wish to be addressed by placing Miss, Mrs., Ms. or similar title in parentheses before their name.

The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The term "By direction" in the second line means that a superior is authorizing the signer.

III. Style Of Business Cominication

The Controlling style

Communication styles that are controlling it, is characterized by the presence of one's will or intent to restrict, compel and regulate behavior, thoughts and responses of others. People who use this communication style is known as a communicator in one direction or one-way communications.

The parties controlling wear this style of communication, more focus on the delivery of the message rather than their efforts to hope the message. They do not have a sense of interest and concern to share the message. They do not have a sense of interest and attention to feedback, unless the feedback or feedback are used for their personal interests. The one-way communicators are not worried about negative views of others, but rather trying to use the authority and power to force others comply with his views.

Yag messages coming from this one-way communicator, not trying to 'sell' ideas to be discussed together but rather the attempt to explain to others what he did. The controlling style of communication is often used to persuade others to work and act effectively, and generally in the form of criticism. However demkian, communication styles that are controlling it, not infrequently negative tone that cause others to give a response or a negative response as well.

The Equalitarian style

An important aspect of this communication style is the foundation of equality. The equalitarian style of communication is marked by the enactment of the current spread of verbal messages orally and in writing which is two-way (two-way traffic of communication).

In this communication style, communication acts are conducted openly. This means that each member organization to express ideas or opinions in a relaxed atmosphere, relaxed and informal. In such an atmosphere, allowing each member organization to reach an agreement and mutual understanding.

People who use meaningful communication style similarity, it is the people who have a high caring attitude and the ability of a good relationship with others both in the personal context as well as within the scope of employment. The equalitarian style will facilitate acts of communication within the organization, because this style is effective in maintaining empathy and cooperation, especially in situations to make decisions on a complex problem. This communication style is also a guarantee the actions share / share information among its members within an organization.

The Structuring style

This structured communication style, take advantage of verbal messages in written or verbal order to establish a command to be executed, scheduling tasks and jobs and organizational structure. The sender of the message (sender) is more concerned with the desire to influence others by way of sharing information about organizational goals, work schedules, rules and procedures applicable within the organization.

Stogdill and Coons from The Bureau of Business Research of Ohio State University, found the dimensions of effective leadership, which they named structure or initiating Initiation of Structure. Stogdill and Coons explained to them that the initiator (initiator), an efficient structure are the ones who are able to plan verbal messages to further solidify organizational goals, the framework of the assignment and provide answers to the questions that arise.

The Dynamic style

This dynamic style of communication that has aggressive tendencies, because the sender of the message or the sender understands that action-oriented work environment (action-oriented). The dynamic style of communication is often used by campaigners or the supervisor who took the salesman (salesmen or saleswomen).

The main objective of this aggressive style of communication that is mestimulasi or stimulate workers / employees to work faster and better. This is an effective communication style used in addressing issues that are critical, but with the requirement that employees or subordinates have sufficient capability to overcome these critical problems.

The Relinguishing style

Communication style is more representative of the willingness to accept suggestions, opinions or ideas of others, rather than the desire to give orders, even if the sender of the message (sender) has the right to give orders and control others.

The Withdrawal style

As a result of which appears if this force is used is the weakening of communication acts, meaning there is no desire from the people who use this style to communicate with others, because there are some problems or interpersonal difficulties faced by these people.

In the description of the concrete is when someone says: "I do not want to be involved in this matter." This statement means that he tries to break away from responsibility, but also indicated a desire to avoid communicating with others. Therefore, this style is not good enough for use in the context of organizational communication.

The general picture obtained from the above description is that the equalitarian style of communication is an ideal communication style. While the other three styles of communication: structuring, dynamic and relinguishing can be used strategically to produce beneficial effects for the organization. And the last two communication styles: controlling and withdrawal have prevented the ongoing trends that are useful interaction

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

PT (Perseroan Terbatas)

Perseroan Terbatas (PT), dulu disebut juga Naamloze Vennootschaap (NV), adalah suatu persekutuan untuk menjalankan usaha yang memiliki modal terdiri dari saham-saham, yang pemiliknya memiliki bagian sebanyak saham yang dimilikinya. Karena modalnya terdiri dari saham-saham yang dapat diperjualbelikan, perubahan kepemilikan perusahaan dapat dilakukan tanpa perlu membubarkan perusahaan.

Perseroan terbatas merupakan badan usaha dan besarnya modal perseroan tercantum dalam anggaran dasar. Kekayaan perusahaan terpisah dari kekayaan pribadi pemilik perusahaan sehingga memiliki harta kekayaan sendiri. Setiap orang dapat memiliki lebih dari satu saham yang menjadi bukti pemilikan perusahaan. Pemilik saham mempunyai tanggung jawab yang terbatas, yaitu sebanyak saham yang dimiliki. Apabila utang perusahaan melebihi kekayaan perusahaan, maka kelebihan utang tersebut tidak menjadi tanggung jawab para pemegang saham. Apabila perusahaan mendapat keuntungan maka keuntungan tersebut dibagikan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan. Pemilik saham akan memperoleh bagian keuntungan yang disebut dividen yang besarnya tergantung pada besar-kecilnya keuntungan yang diperoleh perseroan terbatas.

Selain berasal dari saham, modal PT dapat pula berasal dari obligasi. Keuntungan yang diperoleh para pemilik obligasi adalah mereka mendapatkan bunga tetap tanpa menghiraukan untung atau ruginya perseroan terbatas tersebut.

Mekanisme Pendirian PT

Untuk mendirikan PT, harus dengan menggunakan akta resmi ( akta yang dibuat oleh notaris ) yang di dalamnya dicantumkan nama lain dari perseroan terbatas, modal, bidang usaha, alamat perusahaan, dan lain-lain. Akta ini harus disahkan oleh menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia (dahulu Menteri Kehakiman). Untuk mendapat izin dari menteri kehakiman, harus memenuhi syarat sebagai berikut:

  • Perseroan terbatas tidak bertentangan dengan ketertiban umum dan kesusilaan
  • Akta pendirian memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan Undang-Undang
  • Paling sedikit modal yang ditempatkan dan disetor adalah 25% dari modal dasar. (sesuai dengan UU No. 1 Tahun 1995 & UU No. 40 Tahun 2007, keduanya tentang perseroan terbatas)

Setelah mendapat pengesahan, dahulu sebelum adanya UU mengenai Perseroan Terbatas (UU No. 1 tahun 1995) Perseroan Terbatas harus didaftarkan ke Pengadilan Negeri setempat, tetapi setelah berlakunya UU NO. 1 tahun 1995 tersebut, maka akta pendirian tersebut harus didaftarkan ke Kantor Pendaftaran Perusahaan (sesuai UU Wajib Daftar Perusahaan tahun 1982) (dengan kata lain tidak perlu lagi didaftarkan ke Pengadilan negeri, dan perkembangan tetapi selanjutnya sesuai UU No. 40 tahun 2007, kewajiban pendaftaran di Kantor Pendaftaran Perusahaan tersebut ditiadakan juga. Sedangkan tahapan pengumuman dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia (BNRI ) tetap berlaku, hanya yang pada saat UU No. 1 tahun 1995 berlaku pengumuman tersebut merupakan kewajiban Direksi PT yang bersangkutan tetapi sesuai dengan UU NO. 40 tahun 2007 diubah menjadi merupakan kewenangan/kewajiban Menteri Hukum dan HAM.

Setelah tahap tersebut dilalui maka perseroan telah sah sebagai badan hukum dan perseroan terbatas menjadi dirinya sendiri serta dapat melakukan perjanjian-perjanjian dan kekayaan perseroan terpisah dari kekayaan pemiliknya.

Modal dasar perseroan adalah jumlah modal yang dicantumkan dalam akta pendirian sampai jumlah maksimal bila seluruh saham dikeluarkan. Selain modal dasar, dalam perseroan terbatas juga terdapat modal yang ditempatkan, modal yang disetorkan dan modal bayar. Modal yang ditempatkan merupakan jumlah yang disanggupi untuk dimasukkan, yang pada waktu pendiriannya merupakan jumlah yang disertakan oleh para persero pendiri. Modal yang disetor merupakan modal yang dimasukkan dalam perusahaan. Modal bayar merupakan modal yang diwujudkan dalam jumlah uang.

Sejarah berdirinya Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI)

Pada waktu Indonesia merdeka, hanya ada satu orang akuntan pribumi, yaitu Prof. Dr. Abutari, sedangkan Prof. Soemardjo lulus pendidikan akuntan di negeri Belanda pada tahun 1956.

Akuntan-akuntan Indonesia pertama lulusan dalam negeri adalah Basuki Siddharta, Hendra Darmawan, Tan Tong Djoe, dan Go Tie Siem, mereka lulus pertengahan tahun 1957. Keempat akuntan ini bersama dengan Prof. Soemardjo mengambil prakarsa mendirikan perkumpulan akuntan untuk bangsa Indonesia saja. Alasannya, mereka tidak mungkin menjadi anggota NIVA (Nederlands Institute Van Accountants) atau VAGA (Vereniging Academisch Gevormde Accountants). Mereka menyadari keindonesiaannya dan berpendapat tidak mungkin kedua lembaga itu akan memikirkan perkembangan dan pembinaan akuntan Indonesia.

Hari Kamis, 17 Oktober 1957, kelima akuntan tadi mengadakan pertemuan di aula Universitas Indonesia (UI) dan bersepakat untuk mendirikan perkumpulan akuntan Indonesia. Karena pertemuan tersebut tidak dihadiri oleh semua akuntan yang ada maka diputuskan membentuk Panitia Persiapan Pendirian Perkumpulan Akuntan Indonesia. Panitia diminta menghubungi akuntan lainnya untuk menanyakan pendapat mereka. Dalam Panitia itu Prof. Soemardjo duduk sebagai ketua, Go Tie Siem sebagai penulis, Basuki Siddharta sebagai bendahara sedangkan Hendra Darmawan dan Tan Tong Djoe sebagai komisaris. Surat yang dikirimkan Panitia kepada 6 akuntan lainnya memperoleh jawaban setuju.

Perkumpulan yang akhirnya diberi nama Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) akhirnya berdiri pada 23 Desember 1957, yaitu pada pertemuan ketiga yang diadakan di aula UI pada pukul 19.30.

Susunan pengurus pertama terdiri dari:

* Ketua: Prof. Dr. Soemardjo Tjitrosidojo
* Panitera: Drs. Mr. Go Tie Siem
* Bendahara: Drs. Sie Bing Tat (Basuki Siddharta)
* Komisaris: Dr. Tan Tong Djoe
* Komisaris: Drs. Oey Kwie Tek (Hendra Darmawan)

Keenam akuntan lainnya sebagai pendiri IAI adalah

* Prof. Dr. Abutari
* Tio Po Tjiang
* Tan Eng Oen
* Tang Siu Tjhan
* Liem Kwie Liang
* The Tik Him

Konsep Anggaran Dasar IAI yang pertama diselesaikan pada 15 Mei 1958 dan naskah finalnya selesai pada 19 Oktober 1958. Menteri Kehakiman mengesahkannya pada 11 Februari 1959. Namun demikian, tanggal pendirian IAI ditetapkan pada 23 Desember 1957. Ketika itu, tujuan IAI adalah: 1. Membimbing perkembangan akuntansi serta mempertinggi mutu pendidikan akuntan. 2. Mempertinggi mutu pekerjaan akuntan.

Sejak pendiriannya 49 tahun lalu, kini IAI telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat luas. Hal ini merupakan perkembangan yang wajar karena profesi akuntan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dunia usaha yang mengalami perkembangan pesat. Salah satu bentuk perkembangan tersebut adalah meluasnya orientasi kegiatan profesi, tidak lagi semata-mata di bidang pendidikan akuntansi dan mutu pekerjaan akuntan, tetapi juga upaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat dan peran dalam perumusan kebijakan publik.

Sedikit Mengenai Plat Pada Kendaraan Bermotor

Nomer urut pendaftaran
Nomor urut pendaftaran kendaraan bermotor, atau disebut pula nomor polisi, diberikan sesuai dengan urutan pendaftaran kendaraan bermotor. Nomor urut tersebut terdiri dari 1-4 angka, dan ditempatkan setelah Kode Wilayah Pendaftaran. Nomor urut pendaftaran dialokasikan sesuai kelompok jenis kendaraan bermotor(untuk wilayah DKI Jakarta):

  • 1 - 2999, 8000 - 8999 dialokasikan untuk kendaraan penumpang.
  • 3000 - 6999, dialokasikan untuk sepeda motor.
  • 7000 - 7999, dialokasikan untuk bus.
  • 9000 - 9999, dialokasikan untuk kendaraan beban.

Apabila nomor urut pendaftaran yang telah dialokasikan habis digunakan, maka nomor urut pendaftaran berikutnya kembali ke nomor awal yang telah dialokasikan dengan diberi tanda pengenal huruf seri A - Z di belakang angka pendaftaran. Apabila huruf di belakang angka sebagai tanda pengenal kelipatan telah sampai pada huruf Z, maka penomoran dapat menggunakan 2 huruf seri di belakang angka pendaftaran. Khusus untuk DKI Jakarta, dapat menggunakan hingga 3 huruf seri di belakang angka pendaftaran, sesuai kategori atau dengan permintaan khusus.

Format kategori 3 huruf seri umum yaitu: B XXXX XYZ
X = Umumnya mewakili tempat kendaraan tersebut terdaftar
Huruf yang mewakili kategori tempat terdaftarnya kendaraan:
U -> Jakarta Utara
B -> Jakarta Barat
P -> Jakarta Pusat
S -> Jakarta Selatan
T -> Jakarta Timur
E -> Depok
N -> Tangerang
K -> Bekasi
Y = Umumnya jenis kedaraan berdasar golongan

ini data lengkapnya:
A -->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Banten
B -->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah DKI Jakarta
D -->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Bandung
E -->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Cirebon
F -->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Bogor
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Pekalongan
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Semarang
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Pati
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Surabaya
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Madura
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Malang
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Besuki
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Banyumas
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Bojonegoro .
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Kerawang
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Kedu
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah DI Yogyakarta
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Surakarta
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Madiun
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Kediri
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sumatra Barat
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sumatra Utara
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Bengkulu
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Lampung
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sumatra Selatan
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Jambi
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sumatra Timur
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah DI Aceh
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Riau
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Bangka
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Korps Konsul
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Korps Diplomatik
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Kalimantan Selatan
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Minahasa
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sulawesi Selatan
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Maluku Selatan
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Maluku Utara
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Maluku Timur
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Bali
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sangihe/Talaud
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sulawesi Utara
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sulawesi Tengah
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Lombok
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Papua
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sumbawa
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Flores
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sumba
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Kalimantan Barat
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Kalimantan Timur
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sidoarjo (Jatim)
-->Untuk Daerah/Wilayah Sumedang (Jabar)

Huruf yang mewakili kategori kendaraan:
A -> Sedan
F -> Minibus, Hatchback, City Car
J -> Jip dan SUV
Z = Huruf acak yang diberikan untuk pembeda
Contoh: B XXXX PAA -> Mobil tersebut terdaftar di Jakarta Pusat (P), berjenis sedan (A), dan memiliki huruf pembeda (A).

warna plat nomer
Warna Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor ditetapkan sebagai berikut:

  • Kendaraan bermotor bukan umum dan kendaraan bermotor sewa: Warna dasar hitam dengan tulisan berwarna putih
  • Kendaraan bermotor umum: Warna dasar kuning dengan tulisan berwarna hitam
  • Kendaraan bermotor milik Pemerintah: Warna dasar merah dengan tulisan berwarna putih
  • Kendaraan bermotor Corps Diplomatik Negara Asing: Warna dasar Putih dengan tulisan berwarna hitam
  • Kendaraan bermotor Staff Operasional Corps Diplomatik Negara Asing: Warna dasar hitam dengan tulisan berwarna putih dan terdiri dari lima angka dan kode angka negara dicetak lebih kecil dengan format sub-bagian
  • Kendaraan bermotor untuk transportasi dealer (pengiriman dari perakitan ke dealer, atau dealer ke dealer): Warna dasar Putih dengan tulisan berwarna merah.
tambahan.. plat putih utk mobil baru dgn seri ujung [B]XX[/B] di beli dgn harga lunas bkn kredit, plat huruf paling akhir (huruf pembeda) yang isinya huruf [COLOR="Red"]Q[/COLOR].. itu seharusnya plat [COLOR="Red"]merah[/COLOR] atau kendaraan dinas pemerintah kota.

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Sistem Barter Masih Berlaku Di Pulau Sabu

Pulau Sabu. Masyarakat Kabupaten Sabu Raijua di Pulau Sabu, sekitar 123 mil dari Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), hingga kini masih menggunakan sistem barter, karena ketiadaan sarana transportasi untuk memasarkan hasil pertanian mereka.

"Mayoritas penduduk Sabu Raijua adalah petani rumput laut, namun mereka kesulitan dalam pemasaran, sehingga hasil yang didapatkan umumnya ditukar dengan beras atau bahan bangunan dengan para pedagang dari Sulawesi yang berkunjung ke pulau itu," kata Camat Raijua, Lorens Debo Piwo, Minggu (7/6).

Menurut dia, rumput laut dari Raijua biasanya di jual dengan harga Rp20.000/kg, namun saat ini harga komoditas tersebut turun sampai pada posisi antara Rp5.000-Rp6.000/kg.

"Situasi inilah yang tampaknya membuat para petani rumput laut setempat lebih memilih sistem barter dengan para pedagang dari Sulawesi ketimbang harus menjualnya dengan harga Rp5.000-Rp6.000/kg," kata Lorens.

Ia mengatakan, saat panen tiba, para petani rumput laut di Sabu Raijua langsung melakukan kontak dengan para pedagang dari Sulawesi agar bisa menukarkan rumput laut dengan bahan kebutuhan lainnya, seperti beras, bahan bangunan, peralatan rumah tangga dan sepeda motor.

Lorens menambahkan, kualitas SDM di Sabu Raijua juga masih rendah, umumnya tamatan SMP, karena belum ada lembaga pendidikan lanjutan (SMA/SMK) di kabupaten baru yang baru diresmikan Mendagri Mardiyanto menjadi daerah otonom ke-21 di NTT pada 26 Mei lalu di Jakarta.

"Setelah tamat SMP, mereka memilih menjadi TKI ke luar negeri," katanya dan menambahkan, lokasi SMP di Raijua, harus dicapai melalui jalan kaki dengan jarak sekitar 10 km dari pemukiman penduduk.

"Banyak juga warga hanya tidak mau melanjutkan pendidikan ke SMP setelah tamat SD, karena jaraknya sangat jauh. Pilihan terakhir adalah menjadi petani atau TKI," ujarnya.

Sumber:Suara merdeka

Sistematika Penulisan Proposal Skripsi








A. Latar Belakang Masalah

B. Rumusan Masalah

C. Tujuan Penelitian

D. Kegunaan Penelitian


A. Teori dan Konsep (yang mendukung variabel Penelitian)


2. ..........................

3. .........................


B. Definisi Konsepsional

C. Operasionalisasi Variabel

D. Hipotesis


A. Jenis Penelitian

B. Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian

C. Populasi dan Sampel

D. Teknik Pengumpulan Data

E. Alat Pengukur Data

F. Teknik Analisis Data